ReCo6502Mini Guide

Into the machine

Installation of ReCo6502Mini in your Acorn BBC Master proceeds as follows.

1) Disconnect your BBC Master from the mains, and open it up.

2) On the BBC Master motherboard, locate the sockets marked SK1 and SK2.

3) Insert ReCo6502Mini (carefully, and the right way around !) into SK1 and SK2. The connector on ReCo6502Mini marked 'W' (west) goes into SK2. The one marked 'E' (east) goes into SK1. Check and double-check that all pins are properly seated.

You should now have something resembling this picture :

ReCo6502Mini installed in the Second Processor

4) Close up your BBC Master, and reconnect it to the mains.


To use your ReCo6502Mini, configure your BBC Master by entering :

and press CTRL-BREAK. It should now report itself as 'Acorn TUBE 65C102 Co-Processor'.