Soft 32016 Second Processor Guide


Note that the 'standard' way of connecting requires a Terasic P0033 HSMC-to-GPIO board (not the P0024, which looks very similar !).

Also note that, while the GPIO connectors on both the P0033 and Terasic development boards have the same pinout, their orientation differs by 180 degrees, so connection is a little awkward (refer to the images).

The 20-pin way

This looks like :

connected 20-pin

The 40-pin way

This looks like :

connected 40-pin


The 20-pin and 40-pin programming files are named 'ter_20' and 'ter_40' respectively, and can be found in this directory.

Note that files are provided for two different FPGAs : 5SGXEA7N2F45C2 (which is on the retail board) and 5SGXEABN2F45C2 (which is on my custom board). Visit the relevant subdirectory.

This is release 4 (07 Feb 2021).


The available processor clock frequencies are 1 through 150 MHz. The available RAM is 4 MB.

And note that :